ESGO 2016 State of the Art conference
focuses on providing the evidence based data to underpin gynaecologial cancers´ prevention. This multidisciplinary conference presents comprehensive state-of-the art summaries from key note speakers, up to date scientific reviews on HPV vaccination, HPV screening, hereditary cancers, carcinogenesis with possible preventive measures, early genetic targets and screening methodologies for breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers.
The conference will also have special courses on colposcopy, minimal invasivesurgery for the young generation of professionals and a workshop for cancer advocacy groups. Almost all stakeholders for control of gynaecological cancers including several governmental agencies will come together to enforce the world for being Faster and More Curious than CANCER.
Conference highlights
- Evaluation of the advances in prevention strategies for gynaecological malignancies
- Session tracks on Cervical, Endometrial, Ovarian and Breast Cancers prevention strategies
- New HPV VaccinationRegimen overview and future impact
- Video Workshop on Vulvar and minor Cervical cancer surgery
- Interactive discussions with key opinion leaders
Learning objectives
- Explore the novel prevention strategies for Gynaecological Malignancies
- Examine the effectiveness of HPV vaccination and the future of the vaccination program in Europe.
- Study newtechniques for screening of cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancers
- Review the most up-to-date evidence based guidelines and recommendations to implement in practice
Target audience
The meeting is designed for general gynaecologists, colposcopistsand paediatriciens to deepen their knowledge about prevention of genital cancers but also to gynaecologicaloncologists who are not routine attendants of HPV or colposcopy society meetings, trainees and residents in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology as well as health care decision makers and representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions.
About us
The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) is Europe´s leading non-for profit organisation that strives to improve gynaecological cancer care by providing training standards, educational opportunities and breakthroughs in the prevention, treatment and study of gynaecological cancers.
ESGO is strongly committed to its mission to improve the health and well-being of European women with gynaecological (genital and breast) cancers through prevention, excellence in care, high quality research and education.
ESGO is proud to provide excellent, independent and evidence based learning resources to ever increasing spectrum of professionals. Its reputation is confirmed by continuous membership growth, over 1800 members in more than 40 European countries and worldwide, over 2,500 delegates joining the biennial international meetings (European Gynaecolgical Oncology Congress) and up to 500 delegates attending the single topic ESGO State of the Art conferences.